Wright Cyclone R1820-F52 G102
Number of cylinders: 9

Horsepower, HP RPM "MP
Take off : 875 2350 37
Max.Continuous: 760 2300 32
Climb: ??? 2000 30
Cruise: 600 1850 27

Compression ratio, 6,4 : 1
Supercharged yes

Max operating RPM, 2350
Max manifold boost pressure if supercharged) 37,5 "

Cruise speed, power setting at that speed, 150 kts 1850 RPM 27"MP

Range at that speed, 900 nm (tanks empty)

Service ceiling (if supercharged, the critical altitude for the engine): 24000 ft
Single engine: 10000ft

Rate of climb - sustained: climb power setting used for that rate: 1100 ft/min
2000 RPM 30"MP

Runway take-off distance from stationary to lift-off: 1200 ft

Take-off & landing speed; 70 kts
Approach speed 80 kts

Stall speed: <40 kts


(2 min) SL 37.0 2350 875
SL 32.0 2300 760
1000 27.9 2300 760
SL 28.5 2300 600 16
1000 28.2 1850 600 13
2000 27.9 1850 600 12
3000 27.5 1850 600 9
4000 27.1 1850 600 7
5000 26.8 1850 600 6
6000 26.5 1850 600 4
7000 26.2 1850 600 2
8000 26.0 1850 600 0
9000 25.6 1850 600 -2
10000 25.3 1850 600 -5
11000 24.8 1850 590 -8
12000 23.8 1850 565 -9
13000 22.8 1850 540 -10
14000 21.9 1850 520 -14
15000 21.0 1850 500 -16

NOTE: Above values based on standart air temperatures at pressure altitudes. For all powers except T.O. MAP must be corrected by 1/4" HG per 6 degrees C deviation of CAT from standard temperature.
For temperatures below standard, decrease MAP above standars increases up to maximum of 1" MAP.

NOTE: To adjust fuel load, on the Aircraft menu, click Fuel.